1/2 of all sexually active individuals will contract an STI before they're 25 and 1 in 3 women under 20 become pregnant in the US each year when they hadn't planned to.
The Get Yourself Tested campaign sponsored by MTV, Kaiser, and other organizations and celebrities urges sexually active youth and adults to do the responsible thing and get themselves tested for STIs to protect not only their own health but also to protect the health of the one they love!
On the market:
"Should Boys Get Cervical Cancer Vaccine?" The vaccine to protect women from cervical cancer (99% of cases of cervical cancer are caused by a sexually transmitted virus known as HPV or human papillomavirus). Merck pharmaceutical markets a vaccine by the name of Gardasil. Latest reports show the vaccine prevented 90 percent of cases of penile cancer and genital warts caused by the four common HPV virus strains targeted by the vaccine. Since males carry the cancer-causing strains without any symptoms and pass the virus on to females, should we be lining our sons up, too?
Of concern in our community:
Downloadable/printable report on "sex under the influence" -- the connection between binge drinking and risk of STI's and unintended pregnancy
Dangerous New "Trend" - "SEXting"
Read the results from a survey conducted jointly by the National Campaign and CosmoGirl.com about teen's and young adult's participation in "sexting" -- sending nude and/or seminude photos via the cell phone: full report
Teen takes her own life after ex-boyfriend shows the nude photos she sent him on his cell phone around their high school campus and around their small Ohio town.