Smart Teens/Healthy Decisions Coalition

Equipping Teens with Knowledge and Skills Needed to Stand Up to Today's Pressures  

What teen participants in Smart Teens programs and presentations have to say:


"I would sincerely like to thank you for teaching me this information. I was pretty much clueless about STDs. Also, I didn't know they were such a big problem in our area and in the country.  I was already planning on being abstinent, but now I have more reasons for doing so. I think the part of the class to practice how to say 'no' was really useful. When my parents talk to us, it's pretty awkward but with you telling us, it was much easier. In the presentation, when I saw the pictures of genital warts, I almost threw up! It makes you almost never want to have sex. I didn't know anything about oral sex; I thought it was just talking about it. I think classes like this are a great way for teens to learn the truth about sex and STDs and for them to make smarter choices in their lives.  Now I know the truth about sex."  -- Claire,  7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"You helped me be more aware about sex and consequences like HIV and other STDs and how teens can get these things even from sharing needles to pierce ears! This will help me. . . being aware of these things will help me know how NOT to get in contact with these things so I can achieve my goals."   -- Savannah, 7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"Things I learned in this class can help me reach my goals because knowing the facts means I don't have to worry about getting pregnant or having an STD and that helps me to feel safe and unexposed."  -- Margaret, 7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"Your STD presentation for our science class really opened my eyes to all the consequences of making the wrong choices."   -- Celia,  7th grade science student


"When the class called out all of the reasons (why teens have sex) we could think of, they all sounded 'for real' and they made since, but when I looked at the list up on the board and thought about it, none of them made any sense -- it was all just stupid. . . not worth risking your life or your future for."  -- Rashaud, 7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"I learned a lot, such as how HIV and other STDs remain dormant for a period of time and how there is really no such thing as 'safe sex.'"  -- Jordan,  7th grade science student


"You have told us some very interesting information about sexually transmitted diseases I didn't even know existed. Now I understand what is safe and what is not. I have decided to not have sex, any kind of sex, until marriage. Thanks for coming to my science class."  -- Rebecca, 7th grade science student


"I really want to stay abstinent and I am sure that the things you told us will help me feel good about my decision to stay abstinent. Now that I've learned about all the STDs, if I am dumb enough not to stay abstinent, I'll know how to tell if I have a disease and know to get help fast."   -- Claire,  7th grade science student


"I learned many different things about the risks involved in having sex at a really early age and about diseases that can be spread from person to person.  I didn't think that having sex early was good, but now I really actually know for a fact that it can be bad. This was truly a one of a kind educational experience."  -- Gage,  7th grade science student


"Thank you very much for sharing the facts about STDs with me. I thought that the herpes part was especially gross. The (picture of the) bumps was enough for me to definitely say 'no.' I'm glad to be aware of consequences of unprotected sex and the harm it can cause to me. I would hate for my reproductive system to be ruined! You really opened my eyes about the harm I could cause to myself or even to others!"   -- Allie,  7th grade science student


"We learned about all of the different types of sex and that there really is no way you can say that you 'aren't having sex' if you are doing any of these -- even just one type."   -- Valerie,  7th grade science student


"The information you presented was very helpful in aiding my decisions about my future. I have learned that even if you think you're being 'safe' and use protection, it's not foolproof, you can get STD's.  Thanks!"  -- Grace,  7th grade science student


"I didn't know you could get an STD from oral sex.  I learned that there are three types of sex, and they all 'count.' There is no way I'm doing those. They could give me an STD, or worse -- AIDS."   -- Payton,  7th grade science student


"I learned a lot during your STD presentation and from having your sex ed class. All the diseases out there make me want to wait for a long time.  Thanks."   -- Andrew,  7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"I enjoyed the presentation on consequences that can happen. I have learned several things that will help me later in life to make good decisions. I hope other students get this opportunity."   -- Nelson,  7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"Learning how to say no and that not everyone is doing it will help you achieve some of your goals and dreams.  If you're pregnant or you have an STD, then you won't be able to."  -- Halle, 7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"During your presentation, I learned how to avoid diseases and see that I want to! Now I can make sure I am OK. You made the options easy to understand and clear -- don't have sex at all  -- but for those who do, be mature and make responsible choices to lower the risks." -- Elijah,  7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"Thank you for everything! You made me see the consequences in life if you have sex, like HIV, AIDS, pregnancy, and much more. I wish you can come back!"   -- Courtney,  7th grade science student


"You taught me things I didn't know. I learned that there is no such thing as 'safe sex' and that HIV could be in people for an average of 10 years until they know about it. I really look forward to seeing you again in the sex ed class because I've made some better decisions since you talked to us, and I want to learn more."  -- Keljin, 7th grade science student


"I learned to make smart decisions after learning that you can have a disease but not know you have it!"   -- Bailey,  7th grade science student


"I learned a lot about STDs including HIV and feel glad that I haven't become sexually active. If I did, it would be embarrassing to find out that I have an embarrassing disease like that.  Glad you came.  -- Haileyh, 7th grade science student


"I took your advice and talked to my parents and my mom found out something, too.  I told her that you can't catch AIDS from saliva or kissing -- only from blood contact or sexual fluids."   -- DeQuaver,  7th grade science student


"I really appreciate the time you spent with our science class doing the STD presentation. . . giving us some good reasons to wait before  exposing ourselves. I learned that there is no such thing as totally 'safe sex.'  Getting the information really shocked me. I can't wait to get in your sex ed class to find out more about this topic." -- Kreylon,  7th grade science student


"Thanks for your presentation.  WOW, I hadn't realized before that STDs could be so serious and that some are not curable!  Thank you again for the knowledge and new awareness that you have given us."   -- Sawyer,  7th grade science student


"I was impressed with the information about all the different kinds of diseases you can get from doing 'you know what.' I heard some things that I had never heard before, like anal sex is just as dangerous as regular sex even though it doesn't cause pregnancy and that masturbation isn't harmful, in fact it would be much safer than going all the way."   -- Halle,  grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula



Anonymous Notes from the Questions and Comment Box in the classroom:


"If people learned about all of the consequences of having sex in the teenaged years, then they wouldn't get STDs at all." -- anonymous 7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"I now know how to say 'no' better and I've learned that 'no' doesn't mean 'forever,' and that makes it easier to wait."  -- anonymous 7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"Now that I know about STDs I will wait to have sex. I think it keeps teens from doing the wrong things to know the facts."  -- anonymous 7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"This class made me think about consequences (of sex). I know that I don't want to deal with the consequences like getting HIV or having a baby and that for now, I should say no." -- anonymous 7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"This class helped me a lot. It made me stop and think about sex and HIV/AIDS and so many other diseases and how I would feel if it happened to me. The thing I liked most was helping me think and it kinda made me not even want to have sex yet."  -- anonymous 7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"Now I know that sex isn't all just for fun -- sex can be serious. If I focus on myself and my education and wait to have sex, I can achieve my goals and dreams."  -- anonymous 7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"Pregnancy could put my plans for myself on hold and an STD like HIV could permanently destroy my life. Waiting used to seem 'uncool,' but maybe not having to worry about sex for awhile is the easiest way."  -- anonymous 7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"The things I learned in this class could help me reach my goals and dreams because I didn't understand these things until I came to this class.  Thank you for helping me learn and to see that my goals and things for myself need to come before sex."  -- anonymous 7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"This class helped me learn that there are real and serious consequences that sex can bring to my life if I do it, but I've decided not to right now 'cuz I have goals." -- anonymous 7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"This class helped me see that it's OK to wait." -- anonymous 7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"This class taught me everything I need to know to be safe so that when I am ready (for sex) I'll make good decisions." -- anonymous 7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"This class made me think and gave me more reasons to make better choices and be more careful with what I do with my body." -- anonymous 7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"This class can help me know what to say to people that wanna have sex.  It's hard to know what to say but the SWAT technique can help me when I run into problems. I'm not ready and this can help me to wait."  -- anonymous 7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"The things I learned in class can help me say 'no' easier and communicate better to find another solution.  There are other ways to show you care without going all the way."  -- anonymous 7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula


"This class could help us achieve dreams and goals for the future because we learned about the consequences of having sex and some good reasons why we might not want to have sex.  We also learned HOW to say 'no' to sex and other peer pressure." -- anonymous 7th grade student -- "Making a Difference" curricula